Glimmers from God

Glimmer, whether used as a noun or a verb, is such a descriptive word in the English language! Dictionaries define it as a faint or unsteady shining light—a twinkle, shimmer, or flicker.

A glimmer of light as dawn breaks.
The lamp shines a glimmer of hope. 

Nowadays, the word glimmer has acquired an even deeper meaning and often is used in plural. Glimmers will spark feelings of joy, calm and safety. They can be internal or external cues that ignite positive emotions. Light in the darkness. Hope in the future. Warm fuzzies.

Glimmers are everywhere if we will take time to seek and feel their magic. Beauty is all around us, even when we feel lost, afraid, alone, hopeless, or sad. To me, glimmers represent tiny flickers of God’s grace, whispers of His love and assurance that uplift our spirits and provide peace in what has become a noisy, chaotic world.

I wrote this poem today, inspired by some of my favorite glimmers. Hope you enjoy!

Glimmers from God

Blue skies and sunshine,

Green trees and quiet time,

Rolling hills and nature walks,

Special friends and long talks. 

These beautiful things are truly free!

Glimmers from God for you and me.

Ocean spray and wave swells,

Mountain trails and wooded dells, 

Babbling brooks and bird songs, 

Restore peace when the soul longs. 

These beautiful things are truly free!

Glimmers from God for you and me.

Fields of flowers and busy bees,

Butterflies flit in the gentle breeze,

Raindrop rivulets on window panes, 

Snowflake drifts in country lanes. 

These beautiful things are truly free, 

Glimmers from God for you and me. 

Kind words, the touch of a hand, 

A happy smile, footprints in sand,

Fiery sunsets, and a moonlit night,

Family love that shines so bright. 

These beautiful things are truly free, 

Glimmers from God for you and me. 

When life hits, and it’s hard to cope,

Glimmers renew our sense of hope. 

Sing grateful praise to God above.

Joy is born when we rest in His love. 

— a poem by Anthea

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. —Matthew 11:28-30