A Moment in Time

Family BridgeI am so touched by our wonderful, loving family! It never ceases to amaze and delight me how consistently they demonstrate their priorities in life. They don’t just talk about family first – they live it. Since I’ve always believed people are more important than things, it warms my heart that our family feels this way. 

If I were to choose any kind of legacy to leave behind, it wouldn’t be about success and power, or creating wealth, or sports prowess or how much stuff one can accumulate in a lifetime, it would be a “Legacy of Love” – all about instilling the value of people. That people are the real treasure in life. When all is said and done, nothing is more valuable than relationships that bloom and flourish and create living memories. Memories that last an eternity. And it seems to me though memories may fade with age, the feelings surrounding the memory endure.,…..

This latest trip to visit my elderly parents in England really brought this home to me as I witnessed our daughter and her family caring for and sharing with my parents. But what really struck me was what I learned after we all got home. 

I knew grandson Nicholas {5 years old} would miss some pre-kindergarten classes, swim lessons, soccer, and tee ball, but I had no clue, and neither he nor his parents even alluded to the fact, that he would miss his school graduation class pictures and
his baseball team pictures.   He missed a moment in time that will never come again … an important event in the life of a 5-year old boy for sure.  Forever, he will not appear in the pictures with his classmates and teammates.  Yes, his Mom took him to a portrait studio for individual graduation pictures and baseball pictures {and they are
terrific} but the class and team photos? He missed them ~ a missed moment in time.

Here’s what I mean about priorities. His Mom and Dad knew that the sacrifice of one recorded event would be rewarded with even greater moments in time never to be recaptured, if they missed the annual visit to his Great Grandparents.  

I am so proud of ALL our kids for their loving hearts and 
the example of priorities they set for their own children.
Nicholas has a real affinity to his Great Grandparents. 
Cracker hats
He especially relates to my Mum who now courageously battles dementia. Nicholas is gentle and loving with her, and shares his favorite movies and computer games. He has her full attention and they both enjoy their special time together. I can’t help but think what precious memories Nicholas is creating – it’s not every kid who has a great grandparent {I never knew mine} let alone a set of them …. which brings me to my Dad.
My Dad is a one of a kind – anyone who knows him understands this. He taught our “car-crazy” Nicholas a new game to play using his cars. Divide the cars into teams and organize a soccer match using a small plastic ball. Cars playing soccer!  Who would have thought? This game kept Nicholas {and his Dad who played on the losing team} enthralled for hours – and the spectators entertained too!    But one of the most precious moments was when Nicholas followed Great Grandad into the back garden to observe my Dad disposing of outdated, confidential documents – the old fashioned way! My Dad constructed a brick incinerator for disposal purposes and periodically burns unwanted “stuff”. Nicholas got to watch the igniting process and was enthralled by the blazing flames leaping skyward. A novel idea for a hi-tech kid who is used to paper shredding – not bonfire burning. 

Nicholas was quite captivated by the process and of course Great-Grandad’s bonfire garb would grab anyone’s attention {note the “Shaklee” sun hat – my Dad’s favorite!} What a great experience for young Nicholas to carry with him throughout life.  

 A special moment in time to nourish the soul. 

“Every moment and every event of every man’s life on earth plants something in his soul.”   Thomas Merton 

“Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible – it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could.”   Barbara de Angelis

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