What people regret most is not the things they did, but rather what they didn’t do. I hope that YOU will do everything possible to avoid living a life of regret. Instead, I hope you’re living life full out – pursuing your dream. Living and loving life!
Living your dream includes having a purpose, a direction in life and the willingness to take a risk. It’s following through on your ideas {no matter how lofty or outlandish} taking action, stretching yourself, breaking through barriers, asking “what if”, imagining possibilities and dreaming big!
Experience in life has taught me that to live a life of fulfillment my mindset must be one of “if it is to be, it’s up to me”. This little saying is something that resonates with me on a personal level. I do not want to leave this earth with regrets {things I wish I had done and didn’t} so it’s a huge motivator in my life … and a powerful influence in directing the actions I take on a daily basis.
Too many people are willing to settle for what life hands them because it’s more comfortable that way; it’s easier to wish for something more, or to dream about something better, than to break out of the old familiar comfort zone and DO something to change current circumstances. Those who truly desire more out of life, but choose to “settle” for less are often the folks who end up with regrets. That’s not YOU, right?
Those who procrastinate fall into the group of people who court regret. They may have the best of intentions {bless them} but because they fail to act in time, or they think there’s always tomorrow, they take NO action at all.
Note to procrastinators: we are not promised tomorrow.
Don’t be the person who lives with regret. Act on your impulses right away. Make that call to someone you love, accept that opportunity placed in front of you, hug your kids, lose that extra weight, get healthier, take that special vacation and make the changes to do these things while you can. You’ll never have regrets that way.
It is important to know that breaking the comfort barrier takes desire, courage and action. Don’t be the person who has the strong desire, but can’t muster the courage to take action. Don’t be the one who has desire and courage, but fails to act.
Don’t wait for circumstances to change themselves {they won’t} or for someone else to make it happen for you. Don’t put off to tomorrow what you can accomplish today. Instead, know that YOU and only you are the one to accomplish what you want to do,
have and become.
There are no substitutes for YOU, no pinch-hitters … just you! There’s no rewind button on life either. It’s up to YOU to create a fulfilled, meaningful life. We are placed on this earth for a purpose. God has a plan for your life and a reason for your existence. You’re here to make a difference in the lives of others. To shine your light 🙂 Or rather to let HIS light shine brightly through you.
Do you have a dream? If you do, move confidently toward it. Visualize it. Believe strongly that you will attain it, have faith you can accomplish it and then put feet to that faith and take action … today!
“God created you to do amazing things” ~ Ephesians 2:10