Live Forwards

Do you take some precious time between Christmas and the New Year to reflect on the past year?

This is when I set aside time to think deeply about my life. I ask myself lots of questions.

What did I accomplish this year?
Where did I fall short?
Would I have done anything differently, given the time back?

Then I look forward to the future. I think about what I want it to look like. I map it out and decide what my hopes are for 2025. I ask myself more questions.

๐ŸŒŸ How will I make my life count?
๐ŸŒŸ What do I most want to accomplish in the time I have?
๐ŸŒŸ What must I change internally and externally to achieve what I want?
๐ŸŒŸ What is my โ€˜one wordโ€™ that will resonate with me in the year ahead.
๐ŸŒŸ What scripture affirms my intentions?

2025 is an unknown entity. But Iโ€™m excited as I press on with my vision for the future. I will pursue my dreams with passion and high expectancy but I must also remember that God has a plan for me too and His plans often usurp mine!

So I will remain prayerful, watchful, open and obedient. I am full of hope for the future.

How about you? Are you taking time to reflect on the past and envision your hopes for the future?

Now is a good time to do thisโ€”itโ€™s like getting a head start on the coming year. Establishing a mindset and attitude is good thing. โœจโœจโœจ

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#setgoals2020 #believeandachieve #beresilient #growbusiness #publishanotherbook #isleofskye #healthierthanever #makeadifference #dowhatmatters #laserfocus