See here’s the thing! You may attain a certain stage of life where you are simply content. You are comfortable in your own skin, at peace with who you are, and proud of how far you’ve come. You are satisfied with all you’ve accomplished in life to this point. You are happy with your choices. You’re calm, clear and confident in the reasoning that prompted those decisions.
You feel content and serene.
You realigned priorities in your life. You’ve acquired a deeper understanding of your reason for being. You no longer dance the steps forced on you by parents, well-meaning friends, or by that annoying inner voice—your guilt-producing conscience. You feel no need to please and appease everyone. You understand that some people will like you and some won’t and you’re okay either way. You’ve learned that showing love and kindness to others does not include sacrificing yourself. You cherish grace and you exemplify graciousness.
You’ve tamed your wild A-type personality and curtailed the frenetic struggle of striving for one lofty goal after another. Any deadlines set by others, or time frames created by you to increase performance, are not as motivating as they once were. You still push some self-imposed boundaries, but you acknowledge there are limits and limitations to consider. You factor those into the equation. Success and recognition are not flagged urgent, nor are they found in the immediate attention file. After all, you’ve been there and done that in the past. Nowadays, you beat your drum to a tune and rhythm designed uniquely for you, and by you!
Don’t misunderstand my meaning. It’s not a stage where you throw in the towel, or where you have no dreams, goals or hope for the future. Far from it. It’s more about knowing precisely where you’ve been, what you’ve contributed, how you’ve lived your life, and who you’ve become in the process. It’s a smarter you with a powerful impact, embracing a new stage in your journey. You’re steeped in wisdom from your past experiences. A stronger and more confident you from years of lessons learned. You are guided by present circumstances, but you focus on a clear vision and plan for your future.
Am I making sense? Who catches my drift?
Notice I didn’t tie this stage to a particular age because we are all uniquely different. Some people arrive here earlier than others regardless of the years they’ve lived. Perhaps some people will skip this stage, or have no desire to embrace its pleasures and advantages, but I’m grateful to have attained this satisfying and more serene stage of life as I carry on, doing what I do, and being who I am.
It’s a beautiful and fulfilling place to be. Life is more balanced. You know who you are and whose you are. You feel God is leading you. You hear His voice directing your steps. Isn’t it wonderful that passion burns as brightly in this stage of life as at any other time. Contentment is the prevailing wind in your sail. You truly love life. Gratitude is an ever-present source of happiness. Peace reigns in your heart.
Your soul sings for joy.
Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. —Philippians 4:11-13
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