The New Revolution for Independence

Part One of Two

Let me just say right up front that some of my readers will be surprised by this topic. Some will be aghast as I express my opinion {yes … I really do have one of my own} Others of you will not see eye-to-eye with me and may even be angry with me!

You may accuse me of being “political” or even “hypocritical” since I’ve stated many times “I refuse to engage in arguments over politics”. Please note that the key words are “refuse to engage in”.  It’s not that I have no political opinion, quite the contrary … it’s more that I rarely publicize my opinion, I choose not to confront others who differ with me … and I refuse to engage those who would attempt to persuade, shame or bully me to their point of view.

Therefore I won’t get drawn into an argument by others, not in person or on social media, but rather I will seek to understand their point of view … and respect their right to differ with me … and I will love them, not because of any shared political preference, but based solely on the essence of who they are as a decent human being.

This post is not intended to be about politics. It offers my thoughts on the global revolution occurring, but I understand there will be some who read politics into this editorial.

So. Be. It. I can take criticism and I can accept differing opinions! What I will not do is remain silent when my inner voice urges me to write. I know my inner voice and I am compelled to obey it!

Some may assume Brexit is responsible for prompting me to write this article! My apologies, if I’ve already offended someone by mentioning Brexit!  I wonder if you’re projecting what I’m about to say and tuning out, before hearing my perspective? 


I truly hope you’ll read on with an open mind.

No!  This article is NOT all about Brexit … although the Brexit outcome IS relevant!  The UK Referendum last week and the resulting majority vote by the people of the UK to leave the EU, made an indisputable declaration to the world.


Bravo beautiful Brits!! You voted your conscience. Voting is a privilege. Power to the will of the people!

Who am I to comment on that, you ask? In this great nation, free speech gives me the right, but then there’s more …..

I was born in Great Britain to a mother and father with both Scottish and English descent. I was raised and schooled in England, where I met and married the love of my life, an American serviceman. I entered the US legally … no special favors … I went through the entire lengthy process for immigration via the US Embassy in London, ultimately securing a green card and permanent resident status.

During Chuck’s Air Force career, we did not reside in the US long enough at any one assignment to establish the residency required to apply for citizenship.

I was a “resident alien” in my own family for years!  LOL! One Brit among four US citizens. Four US passports and one British passport accompanied by a green card! When the time came, I freely chose to raise my hand in Los Angeles, and I swore an oath of allegiance to the United States of America. I was granted US citizenship.

flag2I’m happy I made that choice. I’m proud of America. I love this country. I’m fiercely supportive of the constitution and I understand it because I had to study it and know it in order to pass the exam for the citizenship, prior to naturalization.

I believe in defending our God-given rights and freedoms. I will celebrate Independence Day on 4th July because it is significant and meaningful, and because those who fought and lost their lives for these freedoms are to be thanked, revered and congratulated. People of honor and dignity. Those courageous heroes revolted against an oppressive powerful government that imposed unfair laws and taxes, mandated from a country across the Atlantic.

Do you see any correlations forming? Do you glean the glimmer of similarity coming from our friends and allies across the Atlantic in their vote to separate from the EU?

People everywhere cry out for freedoms from the depths of their souls. It’s placed in our DNA by a loving God. Some nations have to fight for it, with the price of lives. Other nations in the world of today are privileged to vote for their independence.

Despite what the media would have you believe, the majority of those in the UK who exercised their right to vote “leave” simply want a better life for themselves and their country as a whole.  They are sick of being controlled by a group of foreign governments across the English Channel … governments that they {the British people} didn’t elect. They’re tired of being force-fed what to think … and fed up having to abide by a set of rules and regulations they didn’t ask for, all the while feeling the tax crunch in their own pay check as portions of their wages flow into the coffers of the EU to be dispersed in ways in which they, the individual voter, has no say.

Contrary to what you read or hear, and in contrast to skewed reports via the media, and individual naysayers on social media, the Brexit vote was far less about politics and much more about the will of a people desiring to reclaim their sovereign nation. 

Good people. Hard working people. People I personally know and love. Individuals who are intelligent, well-educated and bear NO character resemblance to the inferences bandied about such as ‘dumb, uninformed, idiots, sheep, mob mentality’ and  hurtful insults with which some hastily and viciously branded them in the heat of the moment.

To my friends who voted “IN”, I feel for your disappointment. At times, I too have been dismayed at voting outcomes, but majority wins in democracies.

“The good news, to relieve all this gloom, is that a democracy is inherently self-correcting.
Here, the people are sovereign. Inept political leaders can be replaced. Foolish policies
can be changed. Disastrous mistakes can be reversed.”  Theodore C Sorensen

Come on folks! The British people spoke in a democratic vote.  Some 17 million of them asserted their will to separate from the European Union. Of course there will be a time of transition. Of course the pound took a hit initially. Of course the money market took a dive … almost anything affects the volatile stock markets temporarily but they always recover and balance out over time.

Change is scary. Uncertainty breeds fear and along with it, the negative critics here and abroad react with predictions of doom and gloom, while on social media vicious personal attacks and name calling are rampant as raw emotions reign over restraint.


Thank God for those who respond with calm assurance and confidence in the British people.  The pound value will go back up and markets will recover. I believe the UK will negotiate new trade agreements in time that are good for those in and out of the UK.

I predict that exciting new opportunities will emerge … ones that as yet we can’t begin to imagine. The British people have a track record of being undaunted. Shoulder to shoulder they will rise to the challenge and put the best foot forward. I believe in you.

But it will require sound leadership, patience, faith, teamwork, tolerance and perseverance. Hey, the Brits have that. They’ve faced darker hours and stood tall.  They will again. We  must pray for their leaders … that the right people will emerge to lead the country.

And this revolution is not only in the UK. The desire for independence is global. People everywhere long for personal freedom.  People are asserting pride in national sovereignty. Critical mass is forming.

The world is in the midst of a new revolution for independence! People in democratic societies value their individual freedoms, and desire protection of those personal freedoms … so valuable is liberty deemed, that millions of people are willing to die in a desperate attempt to gain access into nations where these freedoms are exalted.

We’re in the midst of a similar transformation here in the US. There are those powers who would protect our liberties and the constitution … and there are those who would not. We the people must discern the difference.

USFlagButterflyAs you celebrate July 4th, I pray you will ponder your freedom and be grateful to those who died securing it for YOU and me and our nation.

Our freedoms are often taken for granted and history easily forgotten … or distorted. What price was paid to buy these freedoms? We must not be complacent. We must be vigilant. We must be knowledgeable and aware of what’s happening around us. We must open our eyes and listen with our ears. Read and be informed. Study the candidates. Know what’s at stake. Have an open mind. Listen to the substance and overlook the superfluous. Pray for discernment.

And when November comes, vote for the candidates with an informed choice.  You may not “like” any of them! Vote anyway.  Exercise your privilege. Vote your conscience for what’s right for the country.

Which freedoms are you willing to forfeit?
Which freedoms will you defend with your life?
Have you even thought about it?

Liberty and justice for all is worth thinking about and voting for.

Stay tuned for Part 2 … we’ll go down a similar but different path on the subject of independence 🙂


 “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
See entire Declaration of Independence here.

“The good news, to relieve all this gloom, is that a democracy is inherently self-correcting. Here, the people are sovereign. Inept political leaders can be replaced. Foolish policies can be changed. Disastrous mistakes can be reversed.”
Theodore C. Sorensen was an American lawyer, writer, presidential adviser and speech writer to President John F. Kennedy


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