This Revolution Requires Independent Thinkers

Part Two of Two

The word ‘revolution’ has a number of similar but different interpretations. In contrast to my last post on June 30th, the reference to it in the context of this particular blog is interpreted as “a far-reaching and drastic change, especially in ideas, methods, etc“.

The time has come to …S…T…R…E…T…C…H… your “thinking” beyond the norm.


Do you agree we live in an era of economic*, cultural and social change in a world that is evolving {and revolving} at what feels like break-neck speed? Are you giddy yet?  Does it seem as if “time” is accelerating? Gaining on itself? Does it feel like uncontrolled momentum-on-steroids?

Welcome to life in today’s world.

To survive and thrive in the shifting and uncertain economy of our current age, and to defend ourselves from the social, cultural and spiritual attacks hurled at us like barbed arrows with ever-increasing frequency and intensity, it behooves us to be intentional about our thinking … who we’re becoming, what we’re doing, where we’re going and how we’ll accomplish it. Independent thinking is a must!  More about this in a minute.

Are you aware of the transition sweeping this great nation and other democracies around the globe? Glance at a newspaper, tune in to any form of media and you’re bombarded with ‘newsworthy’ information on topics from health to politics to the 3D’s … Death  … Disaster and Destruction … and you’ll hear it all in a matter of minutes from every corner of the globe. Probably more “stuff” than you ever want to know.

Thanks to technology you can track unfolding world events firsthand from armchair comfort in your own living room. And thanks to globalization** {like it or not} we’re all inter-connected and affected by global events {good or evil} over which “we the people” in our respective countries apparently have little or no say. Or do we?

What do YOU think? Do you seriously believe individuals are powerless? Or do we have far greater power than it appears? What are your thoughts? What is the power of one? Can an individual effect change? Can a group of dedicated people with a common goal make a difference and change the course of a family? A community? A society? A nation?

I believe in the power of the people. But it takes independent thinking! So with that in mind, this post is not intended to force-feed you what I think, feel and believe {although I personally have very strong opinions on worldly and spiritual matters} but rather it’s designed to stimulate YOU to think independently.

Here’s the challenge! Many of us don’t really think at all.  Some flat don’t care what’s going on so long as they’re not personally affected so it doesn’t warrant their thoughts. Others are on overload and so preoccupied with the overwhelming stresses of daily life, they “have no time” to contemplate and appraise the state of the world in which they live, how it’s affecting them personally, what’s behind it all … AND ultimately where will it lead them, their country and humanity!

AND Heaven forbid that anyone invest time to examine their spirituality or ponder the existence of unseen forces in the spiritual world … a world where evil is alive and working diligently … to present lies as truths … to profess wrong as right … and to employ distractions in seductive wrappings … with the sole intention to capture unsuspecting souls into complacency and deception that leads to destruction.

Believe it or not the Evil One is prowling the earth devouring souls using any tactic available to him and his fallen cohorts. “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

More than ever I am convinced that we MUST learn to be independent thinkers.

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Not a passing thought here and there about something you see or hear on Facebook, TV, the news or a cursory glance at the paper. I refer to deep-soul-searching independent thoughtfulness and consideration as to where you personally are going, where you’re leading your family AND where our country and the world is directed.

Do what is required to truly examine where you are in relation to the world. Ask yourself these questions and others. Think seriously about your answers. Employ independent thinking. Be deliberate. Be purposeful in your thought process.

  • What thoughts dominate your life?
  • How easily are you influenced?
  • Can you discern truth from lies?
  • Do you believe everything you see and hear in the media?
  • Do you believe there are good and evil forces at work {and war} in the world?
  • Do you think an evil force can fool, seduce, convince, deceive and influence even those who are intelligent, well-educated “good” people? 
  • Are you able to define the set of values by which you adhere? 
  • Which freedoms would you defend with your life?

Hey folks! These are important things to think about!

So right now you’re thinking you don’t have time to think? Take the time. That means you must stop the buzyness of your life for longer than 5 minutes. Schedule a time. Prioritize it. Will you do that?

 Ten ways to recognize if you’re an independent thinker:

  1. It’s a process learned over time…independent thinkers understand that.
  2. It’s learning to make sense of the world around you by employing your own observations and experiences instead of relying on words and opinions of others.
  3. It’s taking action … not just reacting.
  4. It’s the ability to trust your own judgment, even if that judgment disagrees with what others say or believe.
  5. Independent thinking means acting in accordance with what you believe.
  6. It’s detecting flaws in arguments and questioning unsubstantiated claims.
  7. It’s diligently discerning the truth, supported by relevant evidence.
  8. It’s seeking to be informed … researching … based on facts.
  9. Its evaluating … looking at things from different angles and perspectives.
  10. It’s drilling down behind the words, delving into the legitimacy of what is inferred.

People have become complacent and lazy where thoughtsmanship is concerned. It takes time, effort and reasoning to be an independent thinker, but it’s worth developing. It’s a skill of value to you and the world.

People who know their values and have strong beliefs will always stand for something … and they know the reason they stand for it.  Those who stand for nothing will fall for anything.  They may also fall prey to those who would lead them into destructive ideologies and behaviors.

Think about it!  Your time is here to step up.  If you’re an independent thinker, you will transcend  the economical, political and cultural shifts … and you will lead and influence others.  You will own the ability to reason, to solve problems and make good judgments. You will not be deceived by lies. You will recognize those who would lead you astray.

Employing these critical thinking skills will insure you’re grounded in your own values. When guided by a strong belief system, you’re equipped to withstand challenges, whether they are economic, cultural, social or spiritual.

**The Pros and Cons of Globalization ~ Forbes

“Today not only in philosophy but in politics, government, and individual morality, our generation sees solutions in terms of synthesis and not absolutes. When this happens, truth, as people have always thought of truth, has died.”   Francis Schaeffer

“For as he thinks within himself, so he is. “Eat and drink!” he’ll say to you, but his heart won’t be with you.”  Proverbs 23:7