First Day of Tripping – Umpteenth Try at Blogging

Do you have any idea how many blogs I’ve started, erased and began over, and then finally threw in the towel, allowing a neglected and half-written blog to sit there with no updates for months? Like it might write itself! I even logged in a few times hoping a post had miraculously been created by osmosis, because I was too busy – didn’t know what to say – was waiting for inspiration, didn’t like what I said – couldn’t think of the best title or content – or some other lame excuse, or reason not to post. I’m SO over that!

I tripped up, tripped over and tripped out on my last two blogs! But now I’m tripping over a new leaf and am determined to keep this blog going in spite of myself. Of course this one will be easier (yeah right) because this one is for fun – it’s a personal blog with no business agenda – it’s for sheer entertainment – mostly mine.

My last two blogs were business-related and each had a specific goal and agenda in mind. It works for some but I felt like I was in a box – my creative juices stopped flowing immediately I felt obligated to create a post for my business audience! Not my style at all. I’m so much more whimsical and spontaneous!

So Anthea’s Anthology is a collection of entries on any given subject, on any chosen day when the mood and spirit moves me, so may be funny, may be serious, may be sad and at times I hope it will be inspirational to anyone who trips over it unexpectedly. It’s a potluck kind of a deal…but it’s my deal!

Why tripping lightly through life? Because in looking back through the years some of the best things came my way after I tripped, fell down and picked myself up, or stumbled on something special quite by accident that changed or impacted my life for the better. Of course, my married name is Tripp too, but more importantly “tripping lightly through life” describes me and my philosophy about living in general. I’ve never been one to take foolish, unnecessary risks, but I’ve always been adventurous and with a desire to live a full life, while not taking myself or what I’m dealt too seriously.

As Mark Twain said “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover”.

Blogging again – sailing away from the safe harbor – I’m filled with the spirit of adventure – feels so right this time!