Someday with Any Luck You’ll Be a Grandparent

I’m in a rambling kind of mood today, so if you think I’m flitting here and there, you’re probably right! A string of fleeting thoughts flashed through my mind in a haphazard, happy kind of way this morning. Thoughts that fluttered around in my head like butterflies darting from flower to flower. Hey friends, thoughts can be anything you want, right? We are the creator of our own thoughts.

I’m up before the crack of dawn today … just me, God and my random thoughts! Annoying to be up so early really, because after all it IS the weekend and don’t most people get to sleep longer? Isn’t that the “done” thing, the expected Saturday sleep-in treat, especially for the {dare I say it} “oldies”? You know, those whose identity used to be referred to as moms and dads, but who through no fault of their own, are now permanently branded as grandparents, simply because their children chose to have offspring of their own. Funny when you think of it that way isn’t it?  Mind you, I’m not complaining. I love being a grandparent … the older part that goes with it?  Not so much .


BTW, if you’re scratching your head and you’re not getting the tongue-in-cheek-comment in the last paragraph, don’t worry yourself unduly. It doesn’t mean you’re crazy or confused {although that’s no proof you’re not}, it just means you haven’t achieved grandparent status yet! Continue reading →

Some Things Remain a Mystery

An unusual experience this morning left me speechless {you’re smiling I can tell!}. For someone who loves to write, being at a loss for words is humorous isn’t it? Yes, I’m chuckling at myself as well! Yet I’m compelled to write about this mysterious occurrence, if for no other reason than to transpose it from mind to paper. I’ll endeavor to convey what happened and you can draw your own conclusions!

Perhaps more amusing than my being “speechless” is my internal struggle for a logical explanation … one that makes sense. Those who follow my blog know that I am indeed a very spiritual person, “tuned in” to God, and a believer in the existence of many mysteries in the universe that aren’t easily explained, so that’s nothing new. I’ve actually had several inexplicable experiences in my life time but that’s for a different blog. So I’m very attuned to my spiritual nature. However, there’s another side to me. Continue reading →

The Far-Reaching Power of Handwritten Expressions

They lay there on my bedroom chair, unceremoniously wrapped up in plastic bags of various dimensions and origins, carefully packed and then unpacked from my suitcase and lovingly {albeit randomly} placed there on my return from England in early August. There they remained – in a pile – even after several weeks!

A cursory glance would reveal a heap that resembled a cluttered mess of meaningless “stuff”, but on deeper examination, one might catch a glimpse of an old jewelry box, a photograph, a lace handkerchief, a book of poetry, or a seemingly insignificant piece of tattered paper peeking out from behind its humble, crumpled container, along with a copy of Mum’s remembrance ceremony, revealing her smiling face. Continue reading →

Celebration of a Life Well Lived

This life we humans live is nothing short of astounding. Such a gift! In the small quiet hours before dawn, I marvel at it, and I’m so filled with wonder at this journey we call life. How can it be that four short days ago we were in England? In some ways it seems like a few minutes ago, yet in other ways it feels distant and almost as if it never happened, but vivid memories remind me that the time there was very real … as well as surreal, and now we’re home, fighting jet-lag and once again immersed in the daily “routine” of living. Somehow things are almost “back to normal” …. all is the same, yet everything is different.
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Roses of Devotion – a note to Dad

Dearest Dad,

Unbeknown to you, I captured this vision of you in the garden amongst the fragrant delicate, colors of the roses.

Roses of DevotionMy heart melted to see how you gazed so thoughtfully up at the beautiful blood red ones – the ones that were Mums favorites – and I immediately knew you were thinking of her. Forgive me for intruding in the moment. I’m happy you didn’t know I was there standing quietly, out of view. It was a special moment, a private one. Continue reading →

Surreal Sojourn ~ a note to Mum

Hello Mum!

I’ve been thinking of you today as I always do. How could I not? You are in my heart forever.

HighlandsToday I’m especially immersed in you. We’re planning for a great celebration of your life. We’ve chosen one of your favorite dresses – the one with the bright purple and pink splashes of flowers – the one that is so YOU! Your earthly body will look beautiful – a perfect extension of your sweet spirit which is alive and well in Heaven and also lives on here with us.

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Gentle Rain from Heaven

I so love the rain …. I feel rain. Of course sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy too, but there’s something ever so much more poignant about the rain. It inspires me to pour out words of soulful expression.

Today I awakened to the pitter-patter of raindrops gently tip-tapping at my bedroom window. Music to my ears and food for my soul.

I will especially enjoy my walk along to Mum’s bedside today. The river, its surrounding green pastures, and the stately trees along the route are adorned in their shimmering, flowing tear drops from above.

Heaven weeps Continue reading →

Swans by the River Stour at Sundown

Stour SwanYesterday was a particularly distressing day. Mum’s restful state changed rapidly to one of agitation and anxiousness. She was wide awake, her beseeching blue eyes darting back and forth almost child-like, asking questions constantly, in a frantic obsessive manner, rubbing her eyes, clutching at her face and clearly in a very disturbed state.

We tried everything we knew to calm her down and lull her back into serenity, stroking her forehead, playing music, softly reassuring her that all would be well, professing our love for her and reassuring her that she would be happy and whole forever. That we’d all be united again in eternity.

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God Pours Out His Favor

I have to confess that the last few days have been among the saddest, yet most joy-filled times I’ve ever experienced. Sad because my beautiful mother is fading away from life as we know it on this earth and I am heartbroken, yet I feel joy because her spirit is about to take flight and she will transition into the most glorious state ever – everlasting life with her Lord and Savior, where her body will be whole again and there will be no dementia. 

It was Sunday yesterday – a beautiful sunny day and if that wasn’t enough to raise our spirits, God favored us in a special way that makes my heart sing with joy and gratitude.

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So! How Was Your Flight Today?

So, how was your flight across the Atlantic today?  Er…….fine! Not too bad!  What? Come on Anthea, just tell it like it is.

Okaaaay! So let’s just leave it like this ….. it could have been worse.

That woman across the aisle from me? The one who reached rudely in front of me to bag a spot in the overhead above MY seat? Yes, that one!!  It could have been a whole lot worse had she not taken time to wash her underarms before leaving home. That furry pit jammed up my nose could have given reason for an elbow {mine} to involuntarily connect with her solar plexus.

Yes, things could have been worse.

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