Dementia Daze: I Wish I Could Wake Up


My beautiful white-haired Mother stood by her bed and froze ever so slightly. My arm was around her, gently steadying her and guiding her towards bed, so I felt her body tense against mine before I saw her stiffen – just a little – it was a subtle motion but detectable to me. Only a few seconds earlier, as I eased her weak and weary frame off the chair from the stair lift by the bedroom door, I had sensed her hesitation to pass through the doorway. My husband discreetly stood by – my rock – my hero – giving us space, but right there if needed. My Dad downstairs awaiting his turn to ascend in the stair lift. I knew what was coming next. It happened the night before, the night before that and every other night for the previous 20 days I’d cared for my Mum.  “Where have I to go Anthea?”
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How Great Thou Art

how great thou artWe awakened to heavy rain and thunder in Austin, TX this morning!  What a beautiful sight and breath-taking sound!  We sure need the rain to break the drought and fill the lakes. And I crave it to cleanse my soul! SO refreshing – so peaceful – a wonderful way to start our Sunday …. Continue reading →

One “Poor Me” Short of Pity Party!

pitypartyIt’s been 7 weeks today since my hip replacement surgery and I have to say I’m feeling great. Overall the time has passed quickly and I’ve had amazing support from family, friends and medical professionals – all of whom contributed to my speedy recovery and helped me keep my attitude positive and hopeful, despite the obvious restrictions and incapacity I faced for a while. 99% of the time I managed my feelings around the daily “ups and downs” with prayer, affirmations and picturing myself walking pain-free. All would be worth it soon I constantly told myself ….. Continue reading →


It’s day thirteen of the rebirth. The restoration of my right hip joint!  Thanks to the Grace of God and the skills of my wonderful surgeon, the-faithful-but-worn-out-old hip-joint, that has served me well for 69 years, is laid to rest. A “bionic” joint now resides in its place, eagerly promising to serve me well as I go forward into the next chapter of life……..
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A Forever Kind of Love

Forever and a day – that’s the relationship I envisioned!  I know ~ I’m a confirmed romantic but come on folks, fess up – I know most of you are too!! 

AntheaBeachOh to find the kind of love to last for eternity and beyond. To fall in love passionately and live happily ever after! That’s what dreams are made of, right? Of course I am realistic enough to understand that love and marriage are risky and not all couples stay together due to unforeseen circumstances, but let’s just say it’s what I hoped and prayed for as a young woman.  Continue reading →

A Moment in Time

Family BridgeI am so touched by our wonderful, loving family! It never ceases to amaze and delight me how consistently they demonstrate their priorities in life. They don’t just talk about family first – they live it. Since I’ve always believed people are more important than things, it warms my heart that our family feels this way. 

If I were to choose any kind of legacy to leave behind, it wouldn’t be about success and power, or creating wealth, or sports prowess or how much stuff one can accumulate in a lifetime, it would be a “Legacy of Love” – all about instilling the value of people. That people are the real treasure in life. When all is said and done, nothing is more valuable than relationships that bloom and flourish and create living memories. Memories that last an eternity. And it seems to me though memories may fade with age, the feelings surrounding the memory endure.,…..

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If a Child Lives With ……

If a Child LivesThe longer I live and the more I experience and reflect on life, the more I understand it is an absolute miracle that our children have grown up to be such “normal, happy, healthy, productive” adults with such a capacity for love and a deep regard for others, as well as a having self esteem, confidence and belief in themselves {and God}. I admit it has to be more by the grace of God they turned out so well, than for any other reason! Heaven alone knows, as a Mom I’ve made many parenting mistakes and I can truthfully admit that raising children is one of the most challenging experiences I’ve ever faced, but it’s also been one of the easiest and most rewarding!

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Fright Week SCREAMS in at Tripp Towers!

OMG! Scream #1. I can hardly believe I gave myself permission to procrastinate on writing in my personal blog posts for so long! Horror of horrors! What was I thinking? FIVE months since the last one? Shame on me! But my excuse is really a good one {you may have heard it before or even used it yourself!} I’ve been busy …. busy living life, instead of recording life’s activities. Never been one for spectator sports – get me in the game as a participant – the thrill of giving it my best shot on the playing field! But I HAVE been legitimately creating stuff – writing in my business blog at Adding pages, beefing up the content and posting in THAT blog!   Continue reading →

We Don’t Know if it’s Good or Bad Yet!

Have you ever stressed over life’s circumstances and made a judgement that what happened was either good or bad? Have you noticed that perception is everything? That what at first appears to be good may NOT be so good! In the same way something may SEEM bad, but morph into something amazing! Ever lost sleep worrying about the circumstances at hand? I know I have, and this thinking has caused me to ride the emotional roller-coaster of life – many times! Not fun! Can anyone relate? Continue reading →