LOL – Lots of Little – Leads to Abundance Over Time

LOL is “laugh out loud” or “lots of laughs” in common internet slang … you all know this … but I like to use it in a different way – perhaps a way that suggests a more profound meaning:

LOL – Lots of Little!

What a concept in this world where “more is better”, “bigger is better” and “I must have it all and have it NOW”! We are so caught up in pursuing abundance in anything and everything that we’re missing out on the true essence of abundance.

If we don’t make enough money, we’re consumed with having MORE … if time is scarce we fight to create more time and we’re brainwashed to think that the only way to achieve our dreams is to make a lot, do a lot, have a lot and be a lot … and do it now. Continue reading →

100% to Zero in Nothing Flat

Sometimes it pays to listen to your gut. Your body really does have a built-in sensor that communicates valuable messages to your instincts … LISTEN and HEED! I am exceedingly healthy and rarely get sick … if I do … I’m over it FAST. I am in tune with my body.

So two weeks ago I was on top of the world … 100% healthy and going flat out … next thing I knew I had crashed and burned! My instinct and experience tells me it all started with a seasonal allergy that turned into a sinus infection. Having experienced one or two episodes in the past – I know a sinus infection when it arrives. No big deal, right? You go to the doctor – they give you a Z Pack and voila – infection gone. This is where it gets interesting and the downward spiral began for me! Continue reading →

It’s Not Happiness if the Joy Doesn’t Last

I just realized something! I’ve gone beyond the proverbial “turning into my mother” and may have morphed directly into my grandmother. How cool is that?

Since I adored both my grandmothers, I’m totally fine with that idea. I learned so much about courage and loyalty and the important things in life from my Grandmas. Despite the eye-rolling and sighing at them as a teenager who thought she knew better, and apart from often dismissing their words of wisdom as corny or redundant, much of what they said permeated my being and over the years their words have echoed in my head at times when I most needed internal wisdom, courage and strength. Thank God for that. Continue reading →

Would I be unlike myself, had I been a hi-tech junkie growing up?

Aside from growing wiser and mellowing out some, there are many good things about growing old. Like the flood of memories that provide us with flashbacks of yesteryear – glimpses of bygone times when life was less complicated, less automated and less impersonal. No email, no text-to-text back then but a lot more face-to-face interaction. Communicating in the flesh. Imagine that! Continue reading →

First Day of Tripping – Umpteenth Try at Blogging

Do you have any idea how many blogs I’ve started, erased and began over, and then finally threw in the towel, allowing a neglected and half-written blog to sit there with no updates for months? Like it might write itself! I even logged in a few times hoping a post had miraculously been created by osmosis, because I was too busy – didn’t know what to say – was waiting for inspiration, didn’t like what I said – couldn’t think of the best title or content – or some other lame excuse, or reason not to post. I’m SO over that!
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